Copyright 2014-2023 © KMC Band - Hot Rock, Country & Blues

The KMC Band  

​​​History of The KMCBand

Personnel through the years:
2024:Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals),  Mike Cox(Drums), Paul Farman(Drums)
2023: Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals),  Mike Cox(Drums), Paul Farman(Drums) / Alan Zachary(Drums,Vocals) /  Russ Stemple (Drums) 
2019-2022: Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals), Paul Farman(Drums,Vocals) / Russ Stemple (Drums)  / Mike Cox(Drums)
2018: Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals), Russ Stemple (Drums) / Paul Farman(Drums,Vocals) / MIke Cox(Drums)
2017: Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals), MIke Cox(Drums)  
2015-2016: Ed Kurata(Bass,Vocals), Brian McCommas(Guitars,Vocals), Alan Zachary(Drum/Vocals) / MIke Cox(Drums)

2013 & 2014: the beginning roots of the band
I thought I'd better start documenting how this band came together (before I forget how it all began). 

Sometime in 2013, I think it was around October, Ed Kurata embarked on creating his own band project (after being in various bands starting in the '70s and thru various cross-country moves until the present). 

During that formative 2013 year, a Craigslist ad looking for like-minded musicians to form a Classic Rock cover band, Stephan Cook (Vocals,Keyboards, Guitarist/Bassist) reached out to Ed.  Through more Craigslist ads, we recruited guitarist Brian McCommas and went thru a few different drummers (Doug R, Bert P, David C), but eventually ended up with drummer Alan Zachary and  for a very short time a vocalist, Jan Mendoza

We never really got anything going as this 5-piece - performing only 1 gig before deciding to disband. 

The official formation of the KMZ Band happened on Thursday May 15, 2014 with our first practice as a three-piece: Ed, Brian and Alan. 

KMZ stood for Kurata, McCommas & Zachary. 

We formed the band to play covers of Classic Rock and Country tunes with a focus on excellent vocals and fun energy 

The first Gig for the KMZ band happened on Jan 2 & 3, 2015 at The Brick House (Elk Grove). 

2015:  Year 1     performing as the KMZ band

The KMZ Band performed 23 gigs throughout 2015 with repeat performances at The Brick House (Elk Grove), The Country Club Saloon (Loomis), and Auburn Alehouse (Auburn).  It was the Auburn Alehouse gigs, where we had substitute drummer Mike Cox fill in for Alan (who had previous commitments on those dates).   For a short while added in a 2nd guitarist, Jeff Balasa but he was busy with his other band The Buzztones (who Ed would fill in as bass player/vocalist from time to time).  At the Country Club Saloon, we met the manager, Mark -- who later became the manager at the Auburn Alehouse and hired us to perform in Auburn where we rocked the patio like no other band had done before (just ask the staff).  At Auburn Alehouse, we also met another manager, Kelley who would subsequently hire us two years later in 2017 @ Siino's. 
2015: 23 gigs - not bad for a first year

2016:  Year 2    Personnel changes and now The KMC Band

Early in 2016 saw the departure of our founding member Alan Zachary, and the full time inclusion of substitute drummer Mike Cox. 

The band name changed to KMC to reflect Mike's membership.  K=Kurata, M=McCommas, C=Cox

Lots of repeat gigs at Auburn Alehouse(Mgrs Mark and Kelley remembered us well) new venues (and repeat gigs) for Bunz Sports Pub(Roseville), and an introduction to the owner of Renegade Classics Motorcycle Accessory shop (Sacramento) leading to us performing at Thunder Valley Casino for their annual Toy Run in November.    
2016: 25 gigs in all 

2017: Year 3      The KMC Band performing strong for the year

Repeat appearances at Bunz Sports Pub, Auburn Alehouse (Mgrs Mark and Kelley), our 1st gig for the Am Legion Post #383 (of many to come in later years), a beginning relationship with the Heritage Park Community (Natomas), and new venues at Siino's (Lincoln) where Kelley (formerly of Auburn Alehouse) booked us for regular gigs.  Renegade Classics had us play for not only their Xmas Toy Run (again at Thunder Valley Casino), but for their Renegade Weekend at the Dixon Fairgrounds (1500 Bikers!). We also scored our first Winery gig at Fenton Herriot Vineyards (the start of many repeat appearances) and the Fall Festival at the Folsom Green Acres (another one for repeats in the years to come). 

2017: 24 gigs in all

2018: Year 4     More personnel changes for The KMC Band

2018 started off with the addition of Russ Stemple on drums who stepped right into the band (without any rehearsals!). Mid-year we also met Paul Farman who would sub in for drumming duties at a few of our gigs.   MIke Cox would sub for us from time to time, but was now playing with the classic country band, Lincoln Highway (Brian's other band -- and Ed would sit in with Lincoln Highway from time to time).

The KMC Band:  K=Kurata, MC=McCommas, with Russ Stemple or Paul Farman  (BTW Mike Cox sub'ed in at our Plumas Pines Gig in July)

We secured a new repeat venue in the West Sacramento area at Yolo Brewing Company, more repeats at Siino's in Lincoln (thanks Kelley), another repeat at Fenton Herriot Vineyards and yet more wineries, Miner's Leap (Clarksburg), and Rock Hill Winery (Loomis).  Our buddy Mark (of Country Club Saloon, then Auburn Alehouse and in 2018 The Brick Yard Kitchen) signed us up for many repeat performances at The Brick Yard Kitchen & Bar (Roseville).  More repeats for Green Acres Nursery (Folsom) and again at Thunder Valley for the Xmas Toy Run along with a few performances at Heritage Park Community.   We scored a great wedding gig (Thanks Gerri!)  and even a Baby Shower! 

2018: 28 gigs scheduled, 25 played -- 3 of them cancelled due to weather or other reasons

2019: Year 5     51 played Gigs for the year !  Strong year for The KMC Band 

Paul Farman stepped up to be our primary drummer for the year, with Russ Stemple as our trusty stand-in when needed.  Mike Cox stepped up for us at a few Siino's gigs, a private party & The Purple Place.

New Venues this year: The Canyon (Folsom); Knee Deep Brewing Co (Auburn) ; Legends @ Woodcreek Golf Course - including the Food Truck Cinema on July 3rd,; The Purple Place in El Dorado Hills; 5 new Private  Events (4 parties, 1 wedding)
Repeat gigs at Siino's, The Brick Yard Kitchen, The Am Legion 383 BBQ,  Rock Hill Winery, Fenton Herriot Winery, Miner's Leap Winery, and Green Acres Nursery (Folsom), Auburn Alehouse (after they postponed music in 2018).  Scored another Wedding, a Birthday Party (thanks Mark Wiley) and a Hot Caribbean Nights (Stan Sorenson) party.  Our 2nd appearance at the Renegade Rendevouz in Dixon & 4th appearance at the Heritage Park Community New Years Eve party. 

Finished out the year as our strongest yet, 51 gigs played! 

2019: 59 gigs scheduled , 51 played -- 8 cancelled due to weather or other reasons ---for the year (as of Nov 15 2019)

2020: Year 6       after March 12, we only got to play 8 times (we had 31 gigs scheduled)  

Looking to be a fun year, we had our 150th Gig on Jan 31, 2020 !

March of 2020 was the Worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. On March 12th, 2020 we had to cancel 12 scheduled gigs due to shutdown of venue public gatherings.  The "Shelter in Place" order became official in California on March 19th, 2020

Repeat appearances at Knee Deep Brewing Company, The Canyon, The Purple Place - and then the COVID shutdown stopped all performances for the year.  With the exception of a three private parties, we pretty much finished the year on our lowest year, playing only 8 gigs 

Rebooked for sure in 2021 for Green Acres, Bishop's Pumpkin Farm, Fair Oaks Concerts in the Park and the Newmark Kountry Klub- No Calif chapter

2021: Year 7          We got to play 17 gigs for the year; ended the year with Gig #173

After the COVID-19 shutdown of practically all public performance spaces in 2020, we opened our 2021 year with a return to The Canyon (after not playing together for over 5 months) and The Purple Place.  COVID shutdowns still dampened the live playing gigs into 2021, but some venues braved the issue -- and focused on more outdoor playing opportunities. We finally get our chance at the Fair Oaks Concerts in the Park in July, being one of the 4 out of 12 bands that had to be cancelled in 2020 and rebooked in 2021; but, we had to back out because of the heat (too hot to play for Ed). 
Added a new venues: The Club at Natomas Park (played that gig in 109F heat !!!).  Auburn's Club Car, Sacramento's Rock & Brews and Cante Ao Vinho in Rocklin. 
Played more private parties in the Rancho Murieta area (Thanks Eric D and Kevin C, and one for Eric's brother Adam) along with our repeat appearance at Bishop's Pumpkin Farm and at the Widder's Ball

2022: Year 8          Got to play 28 gigs (would have been 43), ended the year with Gig #200 !!!   

Well, they say that 2022 is really 2020-Too !   So Venues have been slowly coming back...   Getting busy this year.
Great news is that we connected with TEI and booking some venues we've never gotten into -- Valencia Club, Rock & Brews, Twin Pine Casino, Moonshiners, Jan's Lounge. 

Repeats at The Purple Place(who closed down this year), and The Canyon and another new venue for us, Cante Ao Vinho.  

Lots of private parties (Veerkamp party, Dave Samsel's B-day and Steve & Dani Hansen B-Day)

In June, 2022, Brian snapped his bicep tendon (ouch!) so that put us on a break -- had to cancel 15 of our already booked June thru November gigs. 

Recruited Steve French to fill in for us on Guitar to handle a few of the gigs already booked, including repeats at Green Acres Nursery and Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. 
Brian recovered by December, but definitely not the same without him. 

2023: Year 9         22 gigs for the year,  ended at 220 for the band

We had our 201st gig in January at our repeat performance at the Clampers Widder's Ball (chapter 1841) Our third appearance.  
Return of founding member Alan Zachary on drums, adding to our list of alternate drummers, who landed us a gig in Stockton at the San Joaquin Asparagus Festival.  Almost got rained out on Nov 18 (@Tonnos's) until our good friend Janel brought her party to a new venue - Time Out Tavern. Owner Chris wants us to play at his other Sports Bars in Lincoln(Brick & Barrel) and Orangevale(The Couch, now called Shenanigan's) (see ya in 2024)

2024: Year 10      15 gigs for the year...    235 gigs and So Long and thanks for the fish! 
A sad start to our 10th year, we lost our alternate drummer Russ Stemple in January, 2024. He's featured on our video on the Home Page

2024 saw lots of changes to our venue lineup; The Canyon changed ownership (for the 4th time). 
New Venues: Brick and Barrel in Lincoln (owned by Chris of the Time Out Tavern), and wanting us to play at his other establishment, Shenanigans in Orangevale.

Private Dance party at the Am Legion in Rio Lindo (2 events so far).  Another Dance Night at the Carmichael Elks. Repeat gig for the Latrobe PTC (we played for a really fun Kids business fair), and now for another fundraiser for the Parent Teacher Council at Moonraker Millhouse.  Repeat gig at Miner's Leap Winery for a Father's day outing. October had us repeat a birthday party in Granite Bay (Thanks Holli). Our 4th time playing at Bishop's Pumpkin Farm (rained out in 2023).

July 27, 2024 was our last gig. Time to move on. 

Aug 21, 2024,  after 10yrs, we called it quits.  Time moves on, and so do we. 
Thanks to all of our fans over the years, and favorite venues. 
​Wish we had more videos, but we have lots of MP3s to listen to